Studio Manager Rob Ivory in the Prism Dress
As Pride Month reached a close at the end of June, our studio manager Rob Ivory reflected on Pride, the importance of friendship, acceptance and allyship, and how much more work we all have ahead of us:⁣
“I have been extremely lucky in my career to have been able to work for companies in which my employers had no issue with me just being me. However I am very aware that this is still not the case globally. There have been a lot of things that I wouldn’t have been able to do without my allies, but some, I didn’t realise were allies until I came out. ⁣
If we could all be more vocal about being allies to communities (as long as it’s our truth), it may be that someone that is struggling in silence feels comfortable enough to talk to you. ⁣
It’s daunting to blurt something out into the world, but making it an everyday conversation, as with everything, takes some of the edges off. I would like to thank Kitty and the brand for being one of these allies in my life. ⁣
We have made progress, there is plenty more to be made.”⁣