Bring the outdoors in with Kitty Joseph x Floor Story.. 🌱
Kitty share's the inspiration behind Chroma Green..
A lush carpet of green to celebrate 10 years of Floor_Story
"I learned recently that the human eye perceives more shades of green than any other colour on the spectrum. This is because we evolved over millennia in mainly green surroundings. Our eye's sensitivity to green shades evolved so we could navigate and thrive in this dominant chromatic environment.
It's strange to think that through modern living we have become separated from this part of the spectrum that we are so connected with. Spending time in green environments are proven to stimulate our parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for relaxation and recovery, boosting immunity and overall health.
I've always loved that Persian 'Garden Carpets' are designed to bring the paradise of the natural world into man made spaces. The word paradise is related to the Persian for garden, an enclosed green space.
To celebrate Floor_Story's 10th Birthday, I wanted to create a carpet of green, and bring the healing hues of green indoors. This special edition is a celebration of Floor_Story's continued efforts to evolve and grow in harmony with both community and planet through their thorough impact reporting and continued relationship with GoodWeave International.
Harnessing the Chroma design, this rug is an exploration of a broad and complex range of greens, harnessing the immense colour range that Floor_Story offers. The thick, carved texture of the pile simulates the sensation of walking on dense layers of moss or pasture. A sensory as well as chromatic experience. Chroma Green is not just about bringing the benefits of green indoors, it's also an inspiration to step outside and seek the greens we crave.
Don't forget your greens!"
- Kitty Joseph, 2024
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